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digital therapeutics

Revolutionizing Dementia Care: The Transformational Power of Digital Therapeutics in Assisted Living


As the aging population grows, the need for effective, personalized care has never been more critical. The intersection of technology and the demand for realistic solutions to dementia’s daily challenges have given rise to the ground breaking field of digital therapeutics. Nurses and physical therapists have witnessed promising impacts, especially when using these therapeutics in care settings like assisted living care homes, skilled nursing centres, and hospitals. 

Understanding Digital Therapeutics

Digital therapeutics are evidence-based therapeutic interventions driven by specialized software that help patients and care teams manage specific health needs and improve clinical outcomes. These applications often help manage medical conditions alongside traditional healthcare methods. However, what sets digital therapeutics apart is their ability to deliver personalized and adaptive solutions tailored to individual needs.

Unique challenges in assisted care

Seniors with dementia and their care teams often face a range of physical, cognitive, and social challenges, which can change from day to day, depending on the individual. In assisted care,  it’s often up to the activity care team to create robust programming that encourages individuals to partake and engage in a stimulating group setting. Depending on resources, this can be especially challenging in care settings where seniors are limited to daytime group activities based on staff resources. 

According to a recent study, “Non-facilitated meaningful activities provide a promising way for care staff, including nurses, to manage behavioral and psychological symptoms and improve the quality of life in older people with dementia in LTC facilities while also eliminating the need for facilitation involving the limited numbers of available care staff.” Geriatr Nurs. 2020 November-December; 41(6): 863–871.

With some digital therapeutics, engaging activities do not have to be staff-led or limited to the time of day. For example, Memory Lane Games, the award-winning platform that uses the power of reminiscence to improve care outcomes, can be loaded on a tablet or phone and utilized any time of the day or night as an integral part of an individual dementia care plan.

The Role of Digital Therapeutics

Digital therapeutics can be delivered to the individual through technology as an intervention and management tool for physical well-being, cognitive stimulation, emotional and mental health, chronic disease management, and personalized care plans. 

Dementia-specific digital therapeutics have been shown to help with improved physical therapy outcomes, allowing therapists to overcome carryover and communication challenges to increase their capacity to engage residents and deliver better care. 

Social isolation and loneliness are common challenges faced by seniors with dementia. Digital therapeutics can facilitate social connections through virtual platforms, enabling seniors to interact with family, friends, and fellow residents. Additionally, applications with mindfulness and relaxation components can support mental well-being, reducing stress and anxiety.

Many digital therapeutics can assist in monitoring vital signs, medication adherence, and providing real-time feedback to healthcare professionals. Even game-based applications can track changes in behavior through gameplay data, alerting staff to increased confusion or irregular usage. This proactive approach can prevent complications and enhance the overall management of chronic diseases.

The use of digital therapeutic technology can also reduce the necessity for as-needed (PRN) medications, offering a more integrative holistic approach to standard care planning. For example, a patient with Sundowner’s Syndrome may engage with a digital therapeutic during instances of agitation, reducing or eliminating the need for anxiety medication. 


The integration of digital therapeutics into the care of seniors with dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease heralds a new era of healthcare that is proactive, personalized, and empowering. Digital therapeutics have the potential to not only enhance the physical and mental well-being of the individual but also assist staff and families in care planning. As we continue to explore the possibilities of technology in healthcare, the path towards revolutionizing senior care is illuminated by the transformative power of digital therapeutics.

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